Who We Are

JPMF limited strives to grow into one of the leading not for profit business consulting firms in the region. To date we have achieved a strong reputation as regional experts in Value Chain and Agribusiness Development services and have been in the fore front of the transformation of the oilseeds sub sector in Uganda taking crops like sesame from a backyard women’s crop to one of

the leading export crops from Uganda. Our team of experts has vast regional and international experience working both individually or at the organizational level partnering with international organizations like Care International in Uganda under the Agricultural marketing initiatives (AMI) project and the Rural Enterprise Agribusiness Promotions project (REAP) in Kenya to 

support rural economic development projects in the Horticulture, SNV and VODP2 to develop the oilseeds value chain to promote production and export of horticultural products and The Agricultural Marketing Initiatives Project in Uganda respectively where we championed the transformation of the sesame sub-sector. 

Our Passion

We always strive for quality in every aspect of our work. To us feedback from our clients is a given and we take it with two hands, we always encourage feedback from our clients, and we learn from it. If an organization, or individual, is not delighted with our work we strive to put it right. Our work is built on diversity and empowerment. We promote participation and involvement of all our clients as an integral partner in our service delivery and not just consumers of our services.

Our Mission

Is to enable profit and non-profit organizations and public institutions to maximize the value from their resources and achieve their aims within the context of their limited resources. To do this:

Our Core Values

Our values are integral to our work. They are the foundation on which our business is built. We use our values as a basis to make decisions and to guide our actions. They provide standards against which we measure our behaviors and performance.